See also our related blog for the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Initiative.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

TheCureStartsNow funds DIPG International Preclinical Study

We and our collaborators are grateful for the new $100,000 award from The Cure Starts Now circle of foundations for our project, Rapid Preclinical Development of a Targeted Therapy Combination for DIPG.  We are excited to get this project underway immediately, which addresses the goal our multi-national team and this foundation and its supporters share in making DIPG a uniformly survivable cancer.  Our team consists of the following laboratories:

Charles Keller MD, Kellie Nazemi MD, Nate Selden MD, PhD and Dan Guillaume MD, PhD at the Oregon Health & Science University
Oren Becher MD, Duke University Medical Center
Michelle Monje MD, PhD, Stanford University
Maryam Fouladi MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cynthia Hawkins, MD, PhD, University of Toronto
Xiao-Nan Li MD, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine

We are again thankful to The DIPG Symposium Collaboration, The Cure Starts Now Foundation, Reflections of Grace Foundation, The Jeffrey Thomas Hayden Foundation, Cancerfree Kids, Carly’s Crusaders, The Max Lacewell Foundation, Smiles for Sophie Forever Foundation and Benny’s World Foundation for making our project possible. 

For the Open Science Forum week to week update of this project, click here.