See also our related blog for the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Initiative.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Scientific Presentations in Scottsdale and Princeton

It was an exciting week for the Keller laboratory, with three presentation;  1 on rhabdomyosarcoma (Charles) & 1on satellite cells (Tohru) at the FASEB Muscle Satellite and Stem Cell Conference in Carefree (Scottsdale), Arizona, and 1 on rhabdomyosarcoma (Charles) at the Molecular Therapeutics Cancer Research Association Conference at Princeton University.  All three presentations were received well, and what we hope is that more muscle stem cell biologists, and more pharmaceutical industry scientists, will become interested in rhabdomyosarcoma biology and therapy.  In there, somewhere, was a red-eye flight, but it was certainly worth the extra effort.
[  above right:  FASEB meeting with Michael Kyba (Univ of Minnesota), Charles and Andrew Brack (MGH/Harvard)  ]
[  below right:  CMTRA meeting at Princeton University  ]