See also our related blog for the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Initiative.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Vasculature in Rhabdomyosarcoma

Gordon L. Kindlmann, David M. Weinstein, Greg M. Jones, Christopher R. Johnson, Mario R. Capecchi, Charles Keller.  “Practical Vessel Imaging by Computed Tomography in Live Transgenic Mouse Models for Human Tumors,” Molecular Imaging, 2005 Oct;4(4):417-24 [PubMed UID 16285903]
  • Comment in: Gary Boas. “Contrast agents improve CT imaging of the liver and vasculature,” Biophotonics International, July 2005, pp.16-17 
  • Comment in:  Dennis Meredith.  Better than Slice-and-Dice.” HHMI Bulletin, Vol 20 Issue 1, February 2007.
  • Comment in: Vivien Marx, "MOLECULAR IMAGING: Companies set out to sharpen the in vivo perspective with new machines and novel contrast agents," Chemical & Engineering News, July 25, 2005, 83(30)  
  • Comment in: Esther Landhuis. From Sight To Insight: Visualization tools yield biomedical success stories. Biomedical Computation Review. 2(1)6. February 2006

Thursday, September 15, 2005

On the cell of origin of Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Charles Keller, Mario R. Capecchi. “New Genetic Tactics to Model Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma in the Mouse,” Cancer Research, 65(17):7530-2, September 2005 [PubMed UID 16140913]

Featured in Dr. Capecchi’s Nobel Lecture 

Monday, July 25, 2005

Molecular Imaging: Companies set out to sharpen the in vivo perspective with new machines and novel contrast agents

This was an article published in the magazine C&EN Volume 83, Number 30.

Vivien Marx. Chemical & Engineering News. 07/25/05, 83(30) [interview, figure]

Friday, July 1, 2005

Contrast Agents improve CT imaging of the liver and vasculature

This was an article published in Science Magazine Biophotonics International. ...Investigators also have used this agent for vascular imaging, to solve problems where clinical contrast agents fall short. For example, a group at the Children's Cancer Research Institute of the Univeristy of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio uses volumetric x-ray CT to study transgenic mouse models of solid tumors such as the childhood muscle cancer rhabdomyosarcoma, focusing on imaging of tumor vascular networks. This modality offers high spatial resolution and improved signal-to-noise ratio over previous generations of nonvolumetric small-animal CT scanners, but the scan time is relatively long, leading to clearance of clinical iodinated contrast agents tens of minutes before the stain is completed. The vasuclar agent helps address this issue. Various formulations of the agent allow medium and long blood-pool times, easily permitting 20- to 24-minute live animal scans at a 93-um resolution, "so venules and arterioles can be resolved," said researcher Charles Keller. Also, it features a lower iodine content than clinical contrast agents, making it easier to identify the vessels for computer-based image rendering and sementation.

Gary Boas. Biophotonics International, July 2005. pp.16-17 [interview, figure]

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ming Jung Cho (Postdoctoral Fellow, 5/15/05 - present)

Min Jung Cho is an Invitee-Attendee to the 2006 AACR "Molecular Biology in Clinical Oncology" Workshop.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Life and Career of Mario Capecchi - Part 3

In the 1980's, University of Utah geneticist Mario Capecchi devloped gene targeting technology, which allows scientists to tailor mutation in specific genes. Researchers around the world use it to manipulate mouse DNA. With this tool, scientists at the Unviersity of Utah have recently created a mouse with a deadly form of childhood muscle cancer. Sheri Quinn reports on how this new mouse model might help fight the disease. This is Part 3 of a 5-part series.

National Public Radio (NPR) 01/12/05.